About Me

I found my way into the counselling profession while working as a fundraiser and service user representative at a local Bristol charity. I got to witness first hand the changes within a person that come about when someone is given the time and space to be really listened to. What was fed back to me time and again from service users was how powerful it can be to be heard, fully seen and accepted without judgments. This is something I strive for in my practice; really tuning into and listening. This can be through the spoken word or what gets said through body language and tone of voice or even in the silence.

I came to counselling following over a 20 year career in nursing. I learnt a lot over those years about how our mind, body and emotions are so intertwined. I also draw on my experience as a hypnotherapist and Neuro Linguistic Practitioner if appropriate to the work.

I have always had an interest and curiosity about the world around me and the people in it. I’ve been fortunate over the years to indulge my passion for travel and meet people from backgrounds and cultures different to my own. What I’ve discovered is the desire for connection, to be respected and valued whoever we are, to feel safe in the world is universal.